3-4 December ERA-PLANET Annual Meeting
December 3-4 it will be held online the annual ERA-PLANET project meeting. ERA-PLANET is the European network for sharing Big Data generated by in situ or satellite platforms in order to reinforce the European Research Space in the Earth observation sector.
December 3
The first day will be opened by a welcome from Jean Dusart (European Commission) and Nicola Pirrone (CNR), then continue with a brief excursion about the goals achieved up until now and future strategies.
Then all Projects coordinators will illustrate the progress being made and the major achievements in their respective fields.
December 4
The second day will open with a talk co-chaired by Paolo Mazzetti (CNR) and Joan Masò (CREAF), about “Where we stand on the development of user-oriented demonstrators for selected show cases”.
It will then continue with a panel of all Projects coordinators, chaired by Katerina Sebkova (MU-RECETOX).
The meeting will then end discussing ERA-PLANET Research Strategic Agenda and “Outreach, dissemination and joint publications”.