Evaluation and proposal selection
Lead: GFZ (DE)
Co-lead: CNR (IT)
The aim of this WP is the preparation of the Call for the selection of the Independent External Agency (IEA) in charge of the Two-Stage evaluation and the proposal selection process as well as to support the coordinators of the 4 selected proposals in the negotiation phase according to the rules laid down in the H2020 Model Grant Agreement for ERA-NET Co-fund, the General Annexes of the H2020 Work Programme 2014-2015, plus the Horizon 2020 Proposal template for ERA-NET Co-fund actions as published together with the Call for proposals.
Key activities within this WP-3 will be:
- Preparation of the Call for the selection of the IEA, which will follow standard public rules for public procurement
- Submit the draft of the Call to the SC of ERA-PLANET
- Launch of the Call for the selection of the IEA as soon as the submitted draft of the Call is approved by the SC
- Report to the Steering Committee on the IEA candidates
- The SC will select the IEA
- The WP-3 Leader will prepare the contract for the IEA
- The WP-3 Leader will make sure that the IEA execute the following tasks:
- Management of all tasks related to proposal submission during the two-stage submission and selection process.
- Selection of the reviewers’ panels from the EC central data base for the evaluation of the proposals related to the four Strands;
- Ranking of the proposals submitted for each Strand;
- Submission of the Evaluation Report for each submitted proposal to the WP-3 Leader;
- WP-3 Leader will report on the outcome of the IEA to ERA-PLANET Steering Committee;
- The SC will approve the ranked list of proposals related to the four Strands;
- The ERA-PLANET Coordinator will communicate to the European Commission on the outcome of the evaluation and will submit all relevant documents to the EC;
- The WP-3 Leader will prepare all relevant information on the evaluation to be send by the ERA-PLANET coordinator to all Coordinators of the submitted proposals
- The WP-3 Leader will assist the four selected consortiums (and their coordinators) in the negotiation phase of the projects.